Why Choose Me? & Here are my services
The successful registered M+ Online & M+ Global clients will able to enjoy the following services:
1. You will be added into our Learning Groups! (US & HK & MY)
Disclaimer: All the contents shall not be taken as a recommendation to buy/sell any security or financial instruments. Any action that you take as a result of information, analysis or commentary on these content is ultimately your responsibility. Historical results are not indications of future results.
2. You will receive the AI/Robot Tools (Live)
DC AutoCharting Bot is suitable for those clients with no access to Technical Analysis Tool. In this group, the robot will snap a photo of the chart from my Premium TradingView Account by your request. You may check the technical charts in US Market (NYSE & NASDAQ) and Malaysia Market (KLSE) in every minute. In addition, latest indicator - Automated Chart Patterns by TradingView has been added into this DC AutoCharting Bot.
Mr. AI Robot Alert is suitable for those aggressive traders or traders that are keen to trade but have no idea on which stock to monitor. This Artificial Intelligence Robot will blast the alert messages that met few strategies. Besides, traders may click on the link and check the chart. There is a lesson/course designed for this Mr. AI Robot Alert. For more information, you may visit DCXCADEMY.COM.
Disclaimer: All the contents shall not be taken as a recommendation to buy/sell any security or financial instruments. Any action that you take as a result of information, analysis or commentary on these content is ultimately your responsibility. Historical results are not indications of future results.
3. You will receive Bull Bear Alert (US & HK Market)
Bull Bear Alert is the latest feature that introduced in the year of 2023. When the chart shows the sign of Bull/Bear, the Artificial Intelligence robot will blast the messages that met our strategies. After market hour, the system will send a report to the group.
Disclaimer: All the contents shall not be taken as a recommendation to buy/sell any security or financial instruments. Any action that you take as a result of information, analysis or commentary on these content is ultimately your responsibility. Historical results are not indications of future results.
4. You can join us to trade and learn from us. (#TradeUnderDexter)
Here are some of my client's Winning Trades using M+ Global (HK & US Market).
I got more to show if you're interested, just WhatsApp me.
Disclaimer: All the contents shall not be taken as a recommendation to buy/sell any security or financial instruments. Any action that you take as a result of information, analysis or commentary on these content is ultimately your responsibility. Historical results are not indications of future results.
Economic Calendar & News
Track all markets on TradingView
Facebook Page Reviews
DC AutoCharting Bot
You may use this DC Auto Charting Bot when you're not in front of the computer/laptop.
DC AutoCharting Bot
Example of getting Maybank stock chart by entering /myx maybank.
DC AutoCharting Bot
Example of getting Tesla stock chart by entering /nasdaq tsla.
Chart Sharing & Stock Watchlist
Example of Charts Sharing & Stocks to monitor in the groups.
e-Learning System
Mandarin E-Learning Course (Free 3 days Access) - Please request directly with me.
Free 3 Days Course
Mandarin E-Learning Course - Please request directly with me.
M+ Global Help Centre
How to use M+ Global? I have uploaded Mplus Global App Function (Help/FAQ) here. You can click on this IMAGE.
IPO Sharing & Selection
New IPO Alert. This IPO rose 200% on the first day of listing.
Alternatively, you may WhatsApp me at +60169059789.
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